Thursday, November 23, 2006

Giving Thanks

Today is Thanksgiving, even though it doesn't feel like it here in Spain. I went to class, people went to work, and not many plan on having a big turkey for dinner.

Despite this, I'm still feeling thankful today - for clothes warm out of the dryer, for arriving at the bus stop at the same time my bus does, for the little things that make each day better.

Even more than I'm thankful for the little things, I'm thankful for the big things: family and friends, and espcially all the support I've always recieved over the years.

My biggest thanks of the year goes to my parents - for a loving and warm home growing up, constant support in all of my endeavors, and never doubting my abilities. I know not everyone has the fortune to grow up with these things, so Mom and Dad, I really appreciate it! I wouldn't be the person I am today without you.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and eat some turkey with cranberry sauce for me!

...and because no post is complete without pictures, I present:

Akward family picture! (we're in Leah's dorm)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh! I'm the first to comment on this particular blog!
Happy Thanksgiving, Maren, and know we all miss you and think of you often; it'll be great to see you again. Maybe next summer's family reunion?
I definitely had some turkey and cranberries on your behalf. Do you like Mommy Moco's oyster dressing? I had that as well...Mom has the recipe.
God bless and we're thankful for you, too. xoxox
Julie (cousin)

P.s. Let me know if you get to check out my blog...also, my email is
if you ever get a chance...and let me know if you have any trouble accessing the blog address I gave you in that last blog. :)