Monday, November 20, 2006

Long Time no... Blog?

So, it's been a long time since I've updated, sorry folks!

I just got back from a week in Texas for MD/PhD interviews at UT Houston and Baylor, both of which I loved! So far, I really like every school I've interviewed at, which is fun. Now hopefully I'll only get into one so I don't have to pick! :D

In more application news, I've also been invited to interview at UT San Antonio and UTMB in Galveston. I'm interviewing in Galveston in January, and I couldn't really fit the UT San Antonio interview into my schedule, so I declined it. So I'm almost done! All that's left to do is wait...

Besides Texas, I've recently visited Granada, Spain - home of the Alhambra ("the red one" in arabic), a giant arabic castle/fortress. In addition to several buildings from various ages, the Alhambra also has beautiful gardens! It was a pretty neat place. I'm forever amazed by the wealth of history in this country.

I have two tests tomorrow that I should study for, but before I go, here's a couple pics:

At the Alhambra with the city of Granada in the background. The weather report said rain all weekend, but we lucked out with a gorgeous day!

The fortress part of the Alhambra

Until next time,


Anonymous said...

I really like that last pic!!! It's weird, but the first one reminds me of Guanajuato...

Anonymous said...

Oops, that was me!
