In all of my travels around Spain it keeps striking me how much Spain looks like Mexico! Err, well I guess it would be how much Mexico looks like Spain, but you get the point. Anyhow, in the interest of showing more pretty picutres and involving my readership (all 3 of you! ; ) ) I have a little game for you!
¿MX o ES?
That is, where is each of the following photos taken, Mexico or Spain? Five of the photos were taken in Mexico, and there other five were taken in Spain.
The person who gets the most right gets... a hug! yay!
Ok, on to the pics:









Oh dear...well, okay. I'll try this, but I'm pretty sure I'll totally stink at it. I've not been to MX nor ES so I really don't have a good idea about architecture/topography/etc. Here's my shot, however!
1) Spain
2) Spain
3) Mexico
4) Spain
5) Mexico
6) Spain
7) Mexico
8) Spain
9) Mexico
10) Mexico
There we go! Great pics, and looking forward to a hug regardless! :)
Julie (cousin...should I keep saying that?)
I guess I'm your fourth reader, Maren. Here's my guesses:
Mexico, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Mexico, Mexico, Spain, Mexico, and Mexico.
I have to confess I recognize one of the pictures from Mexico, but I'm guessing on all the others.
What a great comparison! I think I know the answers since I've been to Mexico but I'm not sure about one of them! Should I give my answers?
Spain - 1,2,4,5,10
Mexico - 3,6,7,8,9
Keep it up!
Love you, Mom
Spain, Spain, Mexico, Mexico, Spain, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Spain, Spain? Well Julie and I agreed on the first three at least... This is a fun game though!!!
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