I feel like such a jet-setter: last weekend I interviewed with UT Southwestern, the weekend before some friends and I went to the island of Mallorca, and this weekend a friend is coming to visit from London! One thing about jet-setting though, it does make you kind of tired...
Ok, so first, UT Southwestern - I absolutely loved it! Before visiting I wasn't too excited because, well, it's in Dallas... but the research is great, the clinical training is great, the people are really friendly, and the MD/PhD program is really well supported (including by Ross Perot, "and not just verbally"). All the students I met were really happy about the program, and overall, Dallas isn't TOO bad.
So if all went well (I had 3 interviews with faculty members, including one with the dean of the program) I'll be invited back for a second interview/time to be wined and dined in February. Cross your fingers for me!
Also while in Dallas I got news that I've been invited to interview with the MD/PhD program at Baylor Med. School in Houston. I still haven't heard from UT San Antonio or UTMB Galveston, but those are lower on my list, so I'm pretty happy so far.
Ok, so Mallorca:
We stayed in the German part of town (which is practically all of town, Germans like to retire/vacation in Mallorca), so almost everyone was German! Which was fine, just a little odd to hear more german than spanish in Spain. The island is really beautiful, and alot bigger than I expected. We stayed about a block from a beach on the bay, about a 30 min bus ride from Palma, the biggest city of the island. There was definately alot more to see than the beach - mountains, caves, circular castles and more, but we didn't have a car, and we were pretty content to just lay on the beach all day. : D
Ok, so now what you're all here for: pictures!
(although all the pretty beach pics are on Clint's camara, I'll put those up later)
Me and the cathedral: (every city in Spain has a cathedral)

The cathedral again:

It was a fun trip, and I'm looking forward to going back with the fam in Dec. and seeing the mountains!
Oh, and just for fun, here's some London pics from last month.
I spent an afternoon sitting in St. James' park, it was pretty:

Me and Buckingham Palace, ooohlala!

Ok well I'm still a bit jet-lagged, off for some rest!